露營日期: 2022年4月30日(12pm)~5月1日(12pm)
🔥每位( 6歲以上 )350元, 3人同行1000元, 未滿6歲幼童不收費( 皆不含早餐 )
Camping for Mayjammers:
🔥Everyone with the age of 6 and above: $350nt, 3 for $1000nt. Children Under the age of 6: Free
🔥No tent? No problem! Contact us for renting one before April 24th. ($500nt/tent, $50nt/sleeping bag )There are a limited amount of tents, so first come first serve.
親愛的各位Tainan May Jammers!
第24屆 2025台南五月音樂季Tainan May Jam 演出團體徵選開始報名啦!!!
為了徵選順利完成或避免造成報名不成功 , 請詳填以下報名表資訊並嚴格遵守主辦單位規定
Dear Tainan May Jammers!
Our 2025 Tainan May Jam application, for this years event, May 3rd & 4th is open now!
Please register now and follow strictly guideline of the application form, otherwise your
歡迎特色小吃,異國美食,設計創意,手作特色及服飾類 (酒水飲料類除外) 有興趣的朋友趕緊報名,不要錯過了!
Want to be part of MayJam stalls? Here is the registration! Sign up and don't miss the opportunity to meet cool people!